I’ll get to Lindsay Graham in a
few paragraphs, and to why I can’t seem to stop wishing somebody would punch
him in the face. But first, let me explain why New York City has such a big
stake in seeing Osama Bin Laden’s son-in-law, Sulaiman
Abu Ghayth, put on trial not in Guantanamo, but blocks from Ground Zero.
York’s stake in
Ghayth’s fate
It seems like every New Yorker
knew someone, or at least knew someone who knew someone, who died in the 9-11
attack. And even if you were simply passing through, at the time, you’d have to
be devoid of any of your senses not to be aware of the attack’s impact on the
lives of New Yorkers.
The walls of many subway station
stairwells were papered with scores of heartbreaking home-made handbills, run
off on computer printers, showing faces of missing loved ones and pleas to help
find them. The handbills would give desperate descriptions: the missing man or
woman’s name, age, weight, the company they worked for, the tower they worked
in. The photographs alone could make a strong man weep. You’d see a daddy
playing with his two little girls. A young couple, close together, clearly in
love. A young woman holding her cat. A grandmother. A father. A son. A
And after a while you knew they were dead, all dead. Some were lucky enough to die almost instantly. Others were roasted to death in the debris. Or crushed to death. Or burned to death. They were our friends. Our family. Our colleagues. Our neighbors.
Downtown, at the Ground Zero site,
firemen, and rescue workers, and ironworkers picking through the debris would find pieces of those people. A severed foot still inside a smoldering shoe. A
grotesquely wounded human head, separated from a still-missing body. An arm. It got so
bad for the guys lifting concrete and girders by hand to get to body parts, that in the St. Paul's church where they fitfully napped between shifts on lower Broadway, these big,
hardhat working guys had to be given teddy bears to hug as they lay weeping on cots or pews
trying to shut the images out of their minds and sleep.
What would a “New York Jury”
This week, Sulaiman Abu Ghayth was
captured. And transported in chains to New York. And arraigned in a Federal Court to a charge of conspiring to kill Americans – Americans who, in this
particular case, were mostly New Yorkers.
New Yorkers deserve the right to
listen to the evidence, then declare a verdict, and hand that verdict over to a
New York judge who will toss Sulaiman Abu Ghayth
into some dark hellhole of a maximum security prison where he can spend
the rest of his miserable life rotting in the chilly gloom.
earned the right to do this. We earned it by losing friends. By losing relatives. By losing
colleagues. By living with the horror, and the grief, and the loneliness, and
the rage that followed 9-11. And by stepping out of our front doors, for months
after 9-11, and smelling the awful odor that was something like burning rubber
or melting insulation, coming from the World Trade Center site whenever the wind
was blowing in the right direction.
earned the right to have our proxies on the jury stare narrow-eyed at Abu Gayth, and
come back from the jury room, the air reeking this time not of melting
insulation but of sangfroid and
vengeance served cold.
Graham, butt out

believe the administration's decision here to bring this person to New York
City, if that's what's happened, without letting Congress know is a very bad
precedent to set," Graham sniveled the other day during a press conference
with one of his co-snivelers, Republican Senator Kelly Ayote of New Hampshire.
added, “the last thing in the world we want to do, in my opinion, is put them
in civilian court. This man should be in Guantanamo Bay.”
Where he can be either forgotten or perceived as a martyr to a lawless
government. Where the world’s press cannot conveniently cover his trial and
conviction and help spread word to those who would do us harm that if you
choose to destroy us, we will either kill you as we did Bin Laden, or throw you
in a hole for the rest of what only a very few would thereafter call a life.
New Yorkers. We will see to it, if America leaves it up to us, thatAbu Gayth will find his hole. It’s just too bad we can’t throw Lindsay
Graham in there with him.
While here on The High Desert tend to be pretty ambivalent about NEW YORK CITY!, being as it is you know: east of the Rockies, but threads can at times be odd. My little brother lives in Queens - haven't heard from him since Sandy - works/ed in Manhatten, has resperatory troubles.
Put him in jail, Crank.
No fear...
That was very Zen of you, Ten Bears. I'll try to find an expert in non-linear symbolic linguistics to translate it for me.
Very crankily yours,
The New York Crank
Nice, Crank: studies have shown natives think in demonstrably non-linear (at least we responde to stimuli in a manner adjudicated non-linear) while the non-native are all about "linear".
Mostly though, this "smart phone" just isn't that smart.
No fear...
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