Note from The New York Crank: I've been in awe of Ben Kremen's reportorial skills since our college days. In 1957, he came back from vacation to the campus we both shared and he told me, "I've just been in Cuba. There's a revolution brewing there. I was up in the hills in a place called Oriente Province and this guy, Fidel Castro, he has tanks, he has guns, he has troops. He's getting ready to overthrow Batista." (Batista was then the dictator of Cuba.) I laughed and told Kremen, "You're full of crap. You're nuts! You're out of your mind. You've been smoking too much weed." But less than two years later, Castro rolled into Havana and Batista was finished. Now Kremen offers a piece on what's happening to the American labor movement and why it matters. I urge you to read it – and shudder.
— The New York Crank

Bennett Kremen | The
Labor Educator | July 10, 2013
contract's being violated brutally, in fact many serious, profound ones are,
which will, if unchecked, deeply threaten the well-being of all working people
— indeed, of almost all people. Basically, what's being violated here is called
"The Social Contract". This concept isn't really a hard one to
understand. For centuries philosophers and political thinkers have been
describing it as the very basis for justice and law and social harmony. And
what they're talking about are the many "unwritten" agreements among
all of us to respect and defend the rights of others so that our rights too are
defended and respected.
these unstated understandings, no law alone or police force or army could
forever control the chaos that would inevitably stalk our streets because, in
effect, only my desire and yours not to attack or rob or rape anyone as we walk
along coupled with everyone else's desire to live and let live creates the
everyday peace we all need and must have. This for sure is a silent Social
course, though there are many written contracts in labor-management relations,
totally necessary ones, there are also many significant social contracts, which
if they didn't exist could only make labor-capital negotiations, never easy,
grim indeed. But in recent years to our dismay, these quiet social agreements
are, yes, being violated and with severe and growing boldness by the most
aggressive corporations and their hired political henchmen infiltrating our
government at every level. And the most painful example, glaring example, of
their contempt for a vital, time-honored social understanding that has created economic
justice and kept the peace for more than seventy years is their vicious attack, every day, on Social Security.
decades this program, as we all know, was not to be messed with! And despite
there being no law preventing it from being challenged, almost without
exception both Republicans and Democrats understood that threatening Social
Security was like committing political suicide and indeed was called, "the
third rail of American politics". Today, that indispensable, unwritten
contract protecting Social Security and the feeblest among us is being spat
upon by many in both parties without a flicker of shame and with largely
disappointing opposition. Shouldn't we be hearing a fearsome roar and fire-breathing rearing up in the AFL-CIO and every union against this cold-blooded
assault on our aging, working folks, who have little else to defend them? But,
uh uh, I'm sorry to say, it's not our brave heart, crusading labor leaders who
are keeping grandpa out of the poor house. Only a seventy plus percent disgust
rate among the public at such a thought is doing the job.
this isn't enough to demand sweeping and dramatic changes in the thinking and
leadership of the labor movement, let's describe a few more disasters
inexorably descending on our brothers and sisters in factories and warehouses,
in schools and offices — in short, everywhere. How about our wages flat lining
while the unearned income — the stocks, bonds, real estate and hustles of the
wealthy — have grown so dizzily, it can give you a nose bleed.
the labor movement once thought they'd corrected this type of income imbalance
forever during the economic battles of the 1930s. And actually, wages and
benefits for more than half a century were pegged often to corporate profits,
which was a Social Contract that worked pretty damn well. Now there's only
arrogant disregard by the powerful for this basic American concept of equality.
And surely those who should be fighting tooth and nail for this fundamental
fairness, our very, very well paid labor leaders, simply keep bungling and
sputtering on and on in embarrassing impotence while this situation gets worse
and worse.
they were blind-sided when Wisconsin's governor Walker tore up with a sneer the
long-standing Social Contract guarding collective bargaining itself. And tell
me please, why's there a near deadly silence from the movers and shakers of the
AFL-CIO while virulent Right To Work laws quarantined mostly in Dixie and the
red states of the West have started aggressively metastasizing northeastward
into Indiana and Michigan's industrial heartland and who knows where else it
goes next. And, oh yes, the lockout! No greater insult to organized labor
exists. And once through those quiet understandings, it was rarely used. Today,
they're smacking us with it everywhere, sticking it in our eye like bullies in
a school yard, which I saw recently in a lockout in New York at Sotheby's
Auction House, the world's playground for billionaires, where a tiny Teamster
local of diligently working art handlers were mercilessly harassed into giving
up some of their hard-won health benefits while the company made five hundred
million dollars in profits that year.
what's wrong here? What is it fellas? I've always seen labor leaders as strong
people, who don't take crap. But what's happening now, it hurts me to say,
appears more often than not to be just the opposite. For over and over I keep
watching actions and maneuvers by the labor movement that lack even a hint of
courage or daring while much of the urgent energy needed to battle what's going
on flounders in blatant, self-serving bureaucracies and petty, intra-union
politics, where originality all gets slaughtered, leaving only a frightening
lack of imagination that's truly worrying me. And seeing labor's mostly passive
acceptance day after day of these non-stop violations of the Social Contract
fills me with dark thoughts of what will happen if we allow this to go on much
longer. No, we can't. And we won't!
Kremen has written about labor issues for The New York Times, The Nation and
other publications and his latest book, "Savage Days Haunted Nights",
is available at
and Kindle.
His next article should detail how these "leaders" were paid off to not lead (or even point out the retrenchments with or without the engendered outrage).
Because that's quite a story in itself and to understand the nature of the money and favors that changed hands before the lower-class employment mayhem started would enlighten the world.
Did he write this in 1987?
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