Well this time, yeah. And maybe more like this in the future
now that I’ve started. Because ultimately, a certain number of crummy
councilmen become crummy congressmen, crummy senators, or crummy mayoral
candidates. Best to try nipping them in the bud. So first off, a note to Garodnik’s colleagues. If I come after you,
it’s because Dan Garodnik inspired it.
What started this all, more than a month ago, was a
three-part e-mail to Gorodnik. The most important part had to do with a messed
up revision of the city’s real estate tax laws, which left the middle class
holding the bag for the very rich. I wrote:
I was surprised and annoyed to learn that tax
abatements will be discontinued for New York cooperative apartment shareholders
who are not using their apartments as their primary residences.
While my own apartment is my primary (and only)
residence, the building I live in is full of small studio apartments. Since
studios are not appropriate for families or most couples, the only way to
create a market for these apartments is to allow parents to purchase them for
occupancy by their children, or for "grownups" to use these as
The problem is, like most New York co-ops, our
middle-class building takes the rebates and applies them to our operating
budget. When you exclude parent owners and pied-a-terres, you in effect reduce
the rebate that all of us are enjoying in the form of lower maintenance,
through application of the rebates to our building's operating budget.
I've previously lived in Park Avenue co-ops where there
were no pied-a-terres or parent purchasers. Those far wealthier buildings will
continue to enjoy full rebates while buildings like mine, with smaller,
less-expensive apartments will not.
So congratulations – the City Council has just joined
the far right wing screw-the-middle-class movement. I wonder whether you can
tell me if any member of the city council even considered this possibility when
you were re-engineering the tax rebate program?
As I’ve already suggested, Gorodnik is very small potatoes.
The heroic-looking photograph above, pirated from his website, shows him
fearlessly daring to stand up and challenge one of the world’s most powerful
and dangerous threats to western civilization, if not to all humanity:
confusing parking signs in New York.
To be fair, he has also mounted a challenge to something
that actually matters – the nasty habit employers have of running credit checks
on job applicants. But from the floor of the City Council chamber here, his
effort to ban credit checks on job applicants stands about as much chance of
having a real impact on corporate hiring practices as a pea shooter aimed at
Mars has at kicking up a dust storm.
As for the real concerns of Dan Garodnik’s constituents?
Well don’t count on him caring. The other day, I sent an e-mail to his press
aide. Or at least to person listed on his website as “press secretary,” one
David Kimball-Stanley. I said in an e-mail:
Dear Mr. Kimball-Stanley,
A month and a day ago, I wrote to Councilman
Garodnik via his website about three matters:
• Why he doesn't publish his own e-mail address on
his website (although he publishes a link to yours), forcing people who wish to
write to him to use a website form, creating more complexity than necessary.
• A complaint on how the elimination of tax
rebates for co-op apartments used as pieds-a-terre or bought by parents for
their children penalized not only those tenant-shareholders, but also others in
the same building.
• An appeal on behalf of a nonprofit, volunteer
organization, Big Apple Greeter, detailing what the release of $5,000 in
discretionary funding to this organization could do economically for the city
and for Councilman Garodnik's own district.
Again, that was a month and a day ago. I have
received no response. I saved the text of my note to Councilman Garodnik… And
as you can see, I wrote, "I would be very much interested in your response
to each of the matters mentioned above, and would consider publishing your
responses (or lack of them) on my blog, http://TheNewYorkCrank.blogspot.com, which
has had, as of this writing, 166,799 readers since I began publishing
I'm on the verge of doing just what I said I'd do.
If you, as the councilman's press officer, or the councilman himself, can get
back to me by noon tomorrow with either Councilman Garodnik's response or an
explanation as to why he hasn't responded in the past month, I would appreciate
that. Otherwise I will feel free to write an article featuring Councilman
Garodnik's unresponsiveness in the unabashedly blunt manner that befits a blog
called The New York Crank.
Not that I need to remind you, but the Internet is
I had hoped that a press secretary, accustomed to
responding on a dime to people covering breaking news, or at least accustomed
to doing so when he feels like it, would get back to his boss’s constituent,
who hadn’t received a reply in a month and a day.
Silly me. If the Councilman doesn’t give enough of a damn
about an economic injustice, or about a nonprofit organization that’s doing
good for his city, or about the difficulty his constituents have sending him an
e-mail, why should the man’s press secretary give a damn either?
From where I sit, it looks to me like the Councilman rises
only to those occasions that might generate some favorable publicity for him,
such as girding his loins and wading into pitched battle against those
confusing parking signs.
But if one of the eighty-year old widows in my building is
overpaying on her rent because a revision in the tax law takes money away from
her and in effect hands it over to a Park Avenue hedge fund billionaire, she
can go rot. And if you want to write to him about it, lotsa luck finding his
e-mail address.
This guy needs to get voted out of office and sent back to
a law firm where he can go chase some ambulances.
1 comment:
Go get 'em!
Drive the swine out before they become huge porkers.
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